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<3 thanks

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

helping a stranger ?

well if you follow me on fb u know i picked up this woman today .......

she was walking when i went to the dollar tree on the highway ( nothing close to where she was at)

on the way home i passed her again as i looked in my rear view mirror something told me to turn

around as i went a mile out of my way ( divid highway ) i came back across her pulled over and

asked if she wanted a ride ... she was like o bless u ! got her many bags and a box she was caring

in my firebird was a tight fit as not to many words where said ( im sure a little embarassment she

felt ) but i didn't feel like that at all i asked well where u need to go she told me o hun i am going

to the homeless shelter with a smile i said ok.. just 2 miles down the road she said wow that

would have been a long walk ( as she was already out of breath and mid age women ) i smiled

and said well u where doing alot better than i would (; as she got out she grabbed my hand

and said bless u ! not much of a conversation in 2 miles but touched my heart i hope she

finds the strength to turn her life around i don't know her story but she seemed like a great

person going through a hard time i was thankful i could help out as i was going that way ne way

wasn't a big deal at all .... now to the young ones reading ... as i did a nice thing please understand

not everyone walking on the side of a road is a good person u are taking a risk when u do

something like this i NEVER pick ne one up when my kids are with me not because i don't want

to but because u never know the harm , people sadly do bad things when they are down and out

you could get robbed ect ... i try to do only in day light . you never want to put yourself at harm

but i also cant leave someone who needs help when i know i can help them ! jay use to HATE

when i did this !!! he would never understand y i would ever pick someone up i have done it

ever since i could drive ! but we grew up different ! !!!! i was always taught if u can help out

without completely going out of ur way do it ! help out people who need it even if u know them

or not we all are gods creatures ! as i told jay my story from today he shook his head and

did give a smirk ... but i know that women was so grateful and even if she didn't know my name

if i see her again ill just give her a smile .. when you are at the bottom u need a little hope to

find ur faith and dreams again i hope i added to hers ! as im sure a homeless shelter isn't the

most homey place to be im thankful she has a roof over her head ! and im glad i can add yet

another stranger to my friends list (: keep in mind i am NOT telling u to pick up strangers !

but u can help out ! even if its a smile or holding the door be a little thoughtful it doesn't take

much out of ur day and may make theirs ! be blessed be thankful

also 99% of the time i will not pick up someone who is asking for a ride this woman was

minding her own business walking sweating and huffing and puffing (; keep in mind we make

our own road to life make sure u walk a straight line (;

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Friday, August 26, 2011

heres to the memories

everybody starring see the eyes from a far even if they aint i still think they are ... hard times when ur gone im going to miss u ...

back to reality , cant live my life with suffering losses put ur heart in every line not enough time to tell the whole story... but i will

try (: well today was one of the hardest days of my life im sure not the only hard day i will have but it took alot out of me but in

the end we should always come out with a smile ur good memories should ALWAYS out weigh the bad ! today was the last day i

will see my nan we put her to rest today but im sure i will see her again !!!! she is always in my heart and not a min of the days i

will not think about her ! i will carry on her memories and the wonderful women she has taught me to be im thankful and im sure

she is looking down at me with a smile and i promised to myself i would always live my life to make her happy and will continue

to do so and teach my kids the same ! not a lot of good people out there but wow i had one of the most amazing nans there !!!

sometimes in life u loose track of time ... when it catches up to u i hope u have many memories don't like time win u over take

advantage of it i don't want ne one reading this and have them think what did i do with my time ... this is one thing u cant buy

no one can give it to u and when its gone u cant get it back keep this in mind ...

my nans service today was the hardest thing i had to do so far ... but it was just the way she would have wanted it ! so many

people came and shown there regards and many sorries from family members and friends i so enjoyed and just goes to show

she touched so many people ! even with all the support online WOW thanks u are amazing !!!!! as much of a sad and long few

days for me !!!!!! it was healing in itself im so happy she has no pain anymore ! and till we meet again wow i will miss u so

much !!!!! but she will be with me in everything i do ! and in everything i teach ! i will cherish that and thanks for

being part of my memories !!!!!! huggs to each and everyone of u ! i was raised to be aware of the different people in the world

never to judge and everyone has their own story even if u dont meet eye to eye with someone or agree with everything they

do to support their dession because its their life help out those who help you ... and its not your job to judge they will all reach

their judgement day oneday ..... there are 2 types of people in this world great people and the people who lack compassion

and the people who lack this you need to stay clear of they will only drag u down , keep your life filled with positive people

and hopeful memories ! and when u do this im sure u will look back and have a amazing group of friends ! thanks for the

memories ! be blessed and thanks for reading and always make great choices for yourself and loved ones and for those who

you never know will be looking over you (; xoxoxoxox

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


sometimes people go through life not aware of memories being made around them until they

look back and this is all they are left with , take this into mind and if any advice u take from me

remember this life is fast , you never know when it will be over , you will never know y the

people who entered ur life but they did for a reason .. everything happens for a reason and

simple fact enjoy the memories before they are made during and after .. be aware of who your

true friends are and try to never look at something so long to where its looking negative .. dont

try to plan too far into the future this is not promised live day by day this im sure will make u

happier ! and tell ur loved ones how u feel all the time cause you never know when it will be

your last ... as most of you know i lost the most important person in my life today .. my nan i

am thankful i have had her in my life and i know she touched many others ! she had a heart

problem her valve but didnt want heart sergery they gave her 6 months to 1 year almost 6 years

ago !!!! she is a strong women and the most kind hearted person i have ever met ! i have her

to thank on how i turned out how i look at things and just me in general im thankful for each

story , each smile , each hug and kiss , and each dinner she made for me ( she was always

cooking loved to !!! ) im thankful she raised my son kevin like she did me she loved my boys

along with everyone else ! i can honestly say i never say her and my pap fight ! not once picky

here and there lol but they loved each other so much keep this in mind ( to the younger ones )

the world doest work the way it use to i understand this but my nan and pap were married for

64 years !!!!!!!! most of us will never see this but its possible everyone doesn't meet eye to eye

all the time its how you work around that is what matters ! i was always taught to never give up

, don't go to bed mad , sounds simple ? not alot can do it .. my nan and pap i witnessed to it and

it works and honestly they loved each other so much it hurts to know she is gone , but im

thankful for the wise words , im glad i got my tattoo for her when i did and im so happy she seen

it i will be adding onto it and its closest to my heart like she always will be to alot of people im

sure ! we all dont live forever and this is a hard reality to deal with but even if they are gone

they will always be with you .. always listen to your heart .. as hard as it is to let my feelings

and selfishness go ... i know this was the best for my nan she is no longer suffering , and no

worries now i have the best angel looking down on me !!!! i feel bad for my pap they say time

heals all and i think it wont heal will make it better to deal with tho .. life does not owe you

anything , its not promised its a gift so cherish it

and when its gone be thankful this is for my nan thanks for making my life amazing smiles

and memories in my heart forever , lost but never forgotten .. thanks for the thought and

support once again and be blessed xoxo

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

homeless or hopeless

..... keep family close and always take the time cause as life goes by someday the time wont be able to give xoxo be blessed we were on vacation this passed weekend and ran into a homeless person as some where saying eww and negative things , i always think positive and im always thankful for how my life played out and always remember what it took for me to make it here ! as we all have went through hard times i couldn't seem to stop thinking on how he got like this , where his family where if he had any i am under understanding you are in control of your life and things happen and get out and look for a job but i keep in mind how do you get a job if u have no address how can u look presentable if u have nothing to wear as now the world is hard now with jobs ect .. can he just not get a break or does he have a support system ? think of how your life would be if all you heard was negitive things and no hopes and dreams or if you still could hold onto your hopes and dreams with living on the streets .. as he got up and stumbled away drunk with pee on him i still had a sad feeling in my heart my mom turned to drinking when she was down and out so maybe that is what he had did some say o look a homeless drunk i look at it as he just needs a hope as i left some change and a dollar i had not much as i didn't know his story but even if it wasn't alot i hope it would give him hope be thankful for where you are even if u are not where u want to be never give up keep trying u will get there ! god has a reason for everything and even if u don't know the reason now i believe it will work out in the end be blessed we are all the same as we all grew up different and made different things out of what god has gave us what we all have is hope its just who gets the chance to act on it or not .... don't judge someone by what they do where or how they live but yet for who they are inside this is what matters and is what will last tp the end a stranger could have more in common with u than u could know and even if words are not exchanged its the simple things in life that means the most sometimes the unspoken words are the most powerful ! even tho he didn't know who left him 2 dollars and some change i hope at night when he is out sleeping under the stars and im at home in my bed i hope he looks up in the sky and gets a smile and hope even if he did spend it on another beer he has a little spot in his heart for the hope to change and he is in my thoughts and prayers no one deserves to live like this it breaks my heart be blessed be thankful and help out what u can

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tough times ? or how life always plays out ?

you ever feel like u are in a busy room screaming at the top of ur lungs and not one person looks up to see what is wrong ? i have made blog post about this many times before and if you are a close friend , follow me or even a family member , you know how important my nan is in my life .. i thank her for who i am today and she is such a strong kind hearted women . ive never once heard her complain or say she was so sick ! not once ! she has been ill for a few years and is now on oxgen but always goes so strong bless her heart ! this passed week she got sick she was just so tired all she wanted to do was sleep ( not my nan at all ) thank god for my pap he is such a great guy to and together they are perfect im thankful i had a strong family support growing up i learned alot and i still keep learning as the years go by ! she went to the hospital today and im surprised she went as she wont go unless she is really bad ! im thankful she went the amblance picked her up they admitted her and have her on iv they also hooking her up to a heart montior as where most her health problems come from ! im thankful for all my facebookfriends messages calls and text messages i am truly blessed ! thanks for having me and my family in ur thoughts and prayers ! i hope she pulls through this i sometimes look at things and wonder y ?? she is such a amazing person to be suffering but i am glad she is in great care of the hospital its so hard to look at someone u love so much in pain or so uncomfortable and not be able to do ne thing but she is admited and will see her tomorrow thanks for the support ! as you also may know my mom was sick it was her thyroid she was checked for lime deise and came back negitive she was also in the hospital over the weekend but out and feeling alot better today so i am thankful for that too ! it seems when one thing happens it all happens but stay strong and let god play out life as he has it already planned ! be blessed be thankful as i am thanks for reading and <3 xoxox just thought i would post this to let u kno what has been going on in my life as i have been mis for few days !
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Sunday, August 7, 2011

my advice ?

no one in this world u will meet will have the exact same points as views as you ... we all were raised different ways, different places , different schools, religion , friends , we have different hopes , wants , dreams , style , we all think different ... with this in mind carry this into your relationship even if its just a friendship, relationship, or a marriage . my best advice is take one day at a time life is too short to have it all planned out before it happens , and if you plan too far ahead you are just setting yourself up for disappointment !!! enjoy the simple things ! be thankful and be open . that way when you do something that they may not understand or agree with if you talk and explain your way of thinking about it this will educate them never take ne thing for granted ! always remember with age looks fade , the only thing that will last you till the end of ur life is your heart ! so fill it with warm memories ! just because you think you dont like something ( or if you know you dont like something ) be open to it try everything once ! if you dont like it and your other half does do it you will learn ways to have fun or adapt ! this way when you want to do something that they dont like its fair (; never go to bed mad ! dont over do a argument ! everyone EVERYONE argues ! but dont over do it say what is on your mind ONCE no need to repeat it or scream the point will get across ! if its something small write it out for yourself no need to get someone mad over nothing ! true love will be through thick and thin life isnt easy neither is marriage you will have your ups and downs like everything else but make sure the most important things out shine all the bad no need to dwell on the bad times these will pass and you will look back and im sure relax the good times not the bad ! always work together .. give lots of kisses and hugs , be thoughtful the small things count ! life is made up of small things to get to the big picture ! respect others even if its not something you would do if its not harming ne one be open minded ! always remember birthdays holidays and make your own traditions up for each one something to look forward every year ! take time ! if something doesn't get done no worries it will still be there tomorrow! take alot of pictures ! smile too much always think positive ! if something was meant to be it will happen no need to worry about it everyday ! never look for love it will find u when you never expect it ! sometimes opposites are the best ways to get along , you can teach each other alot !!! never be judgmental no matter how bad the inlaws can be (; be open minded but not too open minded where everyone knows what you are thinking ! i say this alot some things are not for the world to know ! understand how life works ... you will NEVER know how life works there are no right and wrong no rules to follow just all points of options and the only persons options you should take to heart is the one you will be living it with ! today is me and jays anniversary ! he is amazing and we do so good with each other im thankful for him being a great husband and dad ! hes a good uncle , son , friend , boss , person , just everything he is truly amazing and im thankful to have him in my life ! years and years go by and i still remember how others thought how we where truely opposites witch maybe on the outside we where .. but honestly i can count our fights after all these years on one hand , we are perfect for each other i truly believe this we taught each other alot and im sure will go one to teach each other much more ! he supports me in everything i do even tho sometimes he shakes his head when i do it lol but always at the end of a day a smile or just a random story to add to our story of life ! this makes our lives together much more stronger ... he does so much not just for me and the kids for everyone and even though we always say thank you some of them never do but he is such a kind heart !!! and y i love him so much ! he is so easy going and kind hearted im thankful and blessed and happy to say happy anniversary ! heres to another year (; i still think of the days how he knew who i was and i had no idea who he was he knew me as gypsy ( nick name he made up lol ) and life is a mystery even tho we cant say y things happen trust me it all happens for a reason ! jay was fait and i wouldnt change it for the world ! be blessed for who you have in your life who u had in your life and who you will have in your life we all change others views if you think of it or not be blessed thanks for reading !

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Friday, August 5, 2011

my mom

what happens when someone who raised you , and you learned everything from .. slowly turns to you for help ?... i have said this many times before but how life works .. my mom has been sick a long time she was a achololic for many many years most my times i have with her she had a beer in her hand ... i never held this against her , tried to change it , but accept it she had went through alot of hard times in her life and as i still look back on it now im thankful that is all she turned to . she either way has always been there.. and could handle her booze you would never know she was drunk by actions , only if you smelled it ... to this day i am not a drinker i had to help my mom get through alot and becoming clean was one thing added to my list (: she had a ulcer in her stomach that exploded and was really bad ! lifeflighted and alot of blood transfusions ... she cleaned up and im so proud ... after being clean for years i wanted her to be happy , she is a beautiful women inside and out , but with age as looks fade , she slowly lost her hair ... then she lost almost all of it , my mom is very stuborn ~ she doesnt like going to the dr unless she has to finally she just started going ( i think she was scared of what she would hear ) sometimes the unknown is always the most scary ... thankfully this passed weeks she found out it was her thyroid ... as she is only 100 lbs .. she got sick and just wasnt hungry , all she wanted to do was sleep .. richard ( my moms husband ) panicked and took her to er cause her symptoms were the same as years ago when she had the bleeding ulcer ... but just her thryroid they put her on meds and she seems to be slowly turning around for the better .... sometimes i just feel so bad for my mom ( she worries alot and is like me in many ways ) she gets embarrassed to go out with no hair wears hats and just can tell its not my moms outgoing personality she would normally have ... she is a great person and i hope she can look in the mirror and understand this ..... and to these type of people who judge right off the start without knowing a person weather its on a persons looks , actions or habbits or lifestyle dont look down on them ..... for every action there is a reaction ..... everyone life is different we deal with different things we all are not perfect ... but pick the good things out im sure there is many more good things about a person than negative ... and after weighing out ur options after getting to know a person not by just looks then if its more negative than positive y waste ur time ? you can only give advice and try to help so much until u get pushed away trust me !!! there comes a time where u grow to accept the person for who they are ( not agree but accept ) learn to short differences and still have a great time live ur life but let the loved ones u are there if they need u ! it all works out in the end sometimes its the words never said that mean the most or made the most changes in the silent of life ....... everything happens for a reason no matter what that reason is ..... mistakes are life lessons no sense in regretting them it wont get u ne where look back smile and move forward more educated be blessed and take care of the ones who care for u !

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