life is too short not to share charish what you have for soon youll look back and will be a faint memory xoxo amanda
you could be anywhere in the world but you are here reading me
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Not the destination but the stories on the way
Friday, October 3, 2014
1 month of change
Ok so if you even thought you knew me the slightest, you knew I was a smoker.... camel lights to be exact. .. all the time for many of many years!
As I look back.... I wish I could change!! Sadly I can't I am going to change my today's :)
I didn't want to make it "official" until I knew I kicked it for good! I told myself when i hit 1 month I would tell everyone!
I have 2 son's I quit each time when I was pregnant with them... after I had them I always started back up!???? No idea maybe habbit or maybe stress either way just a excuse.
I woke up one day looked at my husband and Said I'm going to stop smoking ... him being as supportive as he is.. laughed and said yeah right. :)
One month later I'm laughing at him saying see I told you :)
I smoked a pack a day sometimes less sometimes more. And just quit. I didn't wean myself off , or limit one or few a day .....
just went from solid pack a day to next day 0 ! And it worked.
I was ready to rip my husband's face off a few days after I quit!! ( nothing out of ordinary lol kidding ) little moody tried to keep myself busy but other than that it wasn't all that hard. It's a mind set!
I have tried to stop or slow down many of times and to be honest and a smoker of many many many years. I think it's all a mind set! You have to be ready and really want to!
And that day i was determined to do it! I must have been successful. Well one month successful! .
And If you are trying to stop ... don't get frustrated if you are trying! I failed many of times!! Keep trying! You can do it! Trust me if I can anyone can! Not only I was addicted to cigarettes but I kind of enjoyed it.
I did for a few days to kick the habbit use lollipops it helped !!
After the month of not smoking cigarettes I can kind of tell a difference ( not a huge difference tho! ) with smells. Some say taste will be better to I have yet to really notice that. But I know I am healthier. Honestly I feel the same but obviously better for me!
My birthday is this month and it was my goal date .... October 18th was my goal and I wanted to do it for myself !...for me ,couldn't think of a better gift! And almost kicking the habbit a month ahead of my deadline ..... winning lol :)
If you are trying to quit and need support I'm here! It's hard but you can do anything you set your mind to! I'm here if you need a chat! ♡ xoxo here is to a cigarette smoke free life :)